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What is the environment like in Antarctica?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Climate and soils The Antarctic climate is characterized by being very cold, dry, and windy, which largely limits the development of life forms. The process of decomposition of the rock which, thanks in principle to[…]

10 interesting facts about penguins

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Depending on the scientist asked, you will find that there are between 17 and 20 species of penguins alive, most of them living in the southern part of the globe. The most northern penguins live[…]

Access roads to Antarctica

Estimated reading time: 1 minute To save time and money, the most southern countries locate their logistics centers as close as possible to Antarctica, for example, Argentina in Ushuaia, Australia in Hobart, Chile in Punta Arenas, New Zealand in Christchurch[…]